Located on the side of the National Road, Infokulla serves as an information point and exposition of history, tradition, culture, ethnography and natural attractions for all visitors to the region.

Infokulla is a private initiative and a gift of the "Albanian-Austrian Partnership - Marianne Graf (AAP)" to Mirdita Municipality, which also manages it as a tourist information office.




The purpose of Infokulla is to develop ecotourism in the region and improve the economic and social indicators of the population by drawing the attention of visitors to the natural, cultural and historical features of the region, stimulating curiosity and interest in knowing the country and its people through contact with directly.


The purpose of Infokulla is to develop ecotourism in the region and improve the economic and social indicators of the population by drawing the attention of visitors to the natural, cultural and historical features of the region, stimulating curiosity and interest in knowing the country and its people through contact with directly.

Various installations, photographs and ethno-historical exhibits present a comprehensive picture of the special importance for the region. Infokulla is unique in Albania, not only because of the variety of information it offers, but also for the tireless dedication of its employees/specialists. The hard work of foreign partners in partnership with municipal employees has made it a reference point for travelers who want to visit Mirdita.




In addition to the tourist information they can get from Infokulla through brochures, interactive maps or guides, every visitor can also get to know the history, traditions, material and spiritual culture of the province of Mirdita.

A rich ethnographic collection, collected thanks to the contribution of the ethnologist Marianne Graf, is displayed in a decent way and plays the role of a small museum, valuable for anyone who wants to get to know the culture and history of Mirdita.

Infokulla serves as a summary exposition of the cultural and ethnographic heritage of the region, highlighting the architectural features of the towers; the ethnographic identity of the area; prominent historical and religious figures who have supported the development of not only the region but have left their mark on Albanian history.


The Infokulla staff updates and increases the range of activities as well as the attractions and artifacts placed inside it constantly, becoming a destination not to be missed.



Infokulla is open every day of the week from 09:00-17:00 offering a quality service and professional information for every traveler or tourist operator